Legal Services
Real Estate
We handle all types of real estate transactions from sale of a residence to the auctioning of large farms. We represent sellers and purchasers. We are familiar with residential, commercial and agricultural real estate sales, leases and financing. Learn more.
Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
We prepare all types of wills from simple wills for a husband and wife with children to complex wills used in estate tax planning. When appropriate we prepare revocable and irrevocable living trusts along with special needs trusts. We are able to provide advice and prepare the appropriate estate planning documents needed to accomplish personal as well as tax planning goals. Learn more.
Probate Estates & Trusts; Guardianships
We handle all types of probate estates from the very simple to very complex. When required by a Will we open and administer Trusts under the supervision of the Probate Court. We also assist with opening and administering Guardianships. We also assist with Adoptions and foreign Adoptions. Learn more.
Business Organization & Planning
Municipal Law
We have had many years of experience with the local form of village municipal government. We can provide advice on municipal issues ranging from the passage and operation of ordinances and resolutions, to municipal tax levies, to annexation of real property to the village. Learn more.
General Civil Matters
We practice in both the local Municipal Court and Common Pleas Courts. We represent clients in claims for money, lease evictions representing the landlord or the tenant. We file suits to clear up ownership questions regarding real estate, to interpret and terminate trusts, and contract disputes. Learn more.